Dear Parent / Carer,

The link and QR code on this page (whichever you prefer to use) will take you to a survey that will let us at MPS keep up to date with all of our pupils' fantastic achievements outside of school.

Every fortnight we will incorporate the achievements that we have been sent into our assemblies and celebrate them with the rest of the school. This will give recognition to the various life and work skills that our pupils gain from participating in a wide range of activities including sports, mentoring, voluntary work or fundraising activities.

We ask that, if you would like something shared, you fill in all of the information in the survey and detail the achievement (which could range from getting a badge/medal/certificate from a club, achieving a musical grade, raising money for charity or an achievement from home such as helping around the house).

We look forward to hearing about all of the brilliant achievements. 

 Please click on the link to access the QR code for this survey.

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